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fopen(CRT) 사용시 멀티스레드(multithread)문제?

해피콧 2009. 12. 1. 18:48
'); }
'); }

fopen함수가 multithread가 안전한가라는 주제로 웹에서 나온 자료

open 과 fopen 계열 함수들의 차이점과 적용시점

// crt_fopen.c
// compile with: /W3
// This program opens two files. It uses
// fclose to close the first file and
// _fcloseall to close all remaining files.

#include <stdio.h>

FILE *stream, *stream2;

int main( void )
   int numclosed;

   // Open for read (will fail if file "crt_fopen.c" does not exist)
   if( (stream  = fopen( "crt_fopen.c", "r" )) == NULL ) // C4996
   // Note: fopen is deprecated; consider using fopen_s instead
      printf( "The file 'crt_fopen.c' was not opened\n" );
      printf( "The file 'crt_fopen.c' was opened\n" );

   // Open for write 
   if( (stream2 = fopen( "data2", "w+" )) == NULL ) // C4996
      printf( "The file 'data2' was not opened\n" );
      printf( "The file 'data2' was opened\n" );

   // Close stream if it is not NULL 
   if( stream)
      if ( fclose( stream ) )
         printf( "The file 'crt_fopen.c' was not closed\n" );

   // All other files are closed: 
   numclosed = _fcloseall( );
   printf( "Number of files closed by _fcloseall: %u\n", numclosed );


// crt_fopen_s.c
// This program opens two files. It uses
// fclose to close the first file and
// _fcloseall to close all remaining files.

#include <stdio.h>

FILE *stream, *stream2;

int main( void )
   errno_t err;

   // Open for read (will fail if file "crt_fopen_s.c" does not exist)
   err  = fopen_s( &stream, "crt_fopen_s.c", "r" );
   if( err == 0 )
      printf( "The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was opened\n" );
      printf( "The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was not opened\n" );

   // Open for write 
   err = fopen_s( &stream2, "data2", "w+" );
   if( err == 0 )
      printf( "The file 'data2' was opened\n" );
      printf( "The file 'data2' was not opened\n" );

   // Close stream if it is not NULL 
   if( stream )
      err = fclose( stream );
      if ( err == 0 )
         printf( "The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was closed\n" );
         printf( "The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was not closed\n" );

   // All other files are closed:
   int numclosed = _fcloseall( );
   printf( "Number of files closed by _fcloseall: %u\n", numclosed );

// crt_fsopen.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <share.h>

int main( void )
   FILE *stream;

   // Open output file for writing. Using _fsopen allows us to
   // ensure that no one else writes to the file while we are
   // writing to it.
   if( (stream = _fsopen( "outfile", "wt", _SH_DENYWR )) != NULL )
      fprintf( stream, "No one else in the network can write "
                       "to this file until we are done.\n" );
      fclose( stream );
   // Now others can write to the file while we read it.
   system( "type outfile" );